The final nail in the coffin regarding the issue of Donald J Trump and the United States Presidency

Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century BC in the Greek city-state (known as a polis) of Athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica, and is the first known democracy in the world.

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Mark this day in the history books. Through the, as one journalist phrased it "the extended Saturday night massacre" to the final endgame; it's always been a question of where was the weak scale in the dragons armor. It turns out that Donald J. Trump is a pervet. Big fucking surprise people. Like the majority of the oligarchs in the world didn't already know this. And those of you saying, "Well the rest of us didn't, we loved him on the Apprentice, as a Christian Brother he deserves a second chance, it's a Liberal plot" need to sit down, be quiet and pay attention. This isn't the first, and it won't be the last time that a region, country, state, territory or empire found itself under the influence of a narsacissic and deluded pervert. We will recover from this as a Nation and a people. Our form of Goverment ensures that as much as it has ensured the final nail in the coffin has been exposed. Checks, Balances and Common sense wiil always prevail over lies, rhetoric, sychophants and self serving needs that resemble the worst of the French Monarchies. (Sorry France, not trying to be a jerk.) I'm in no way, shape or form making promises or prophecies of any kind. I will say this. The next time, those of you who didn't listen will. I bet my last dollar on it.


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