The Eternal Questions

Plato said, "There must always remain something that is antagonistic to good."

Does this mean that there will never be a resolution to our struggles?

Let's start with some definitions. I obviously have not included complete definitions but have included links.

"Protagonist" - "the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work".
"Antagonist" -"the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work."
"Good" - "moral righteousness; virtue: to be a power for good."
"Evil" - "morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked."

Based on the observations of Plato does this mean that "good" has never even had a chance? Or was he teaching us about the idea of minimalism and balance in our micro and macro environments? Yin vs. yang, Spy vs. Spy, god vs. the devil, light vs. dark, day. vs. night and sun vs. moon all express the same core idea that balance must be maintained for the general health and well being of all Humanity. It's so simple in it's ideals yet we, as humans, seem to always be pushing left when we should be pulling right and pulling left when we should be pushing right.


It makes me ache inside. It's like looking at the reflection of two mirrors facing each other and expecting what you see to make sense. Sometimes the beast looks back and we don't even see the reflection is ours.

A True Story {Part 2}

Of course the boy was barely aware of this in any Logical way.

He was still young and too much in awe of the world around him to comprehend that things in flux can affect us in ways we barely comprehend. Only later would he learn that through higher critical thinking can we begin to unlock our hidden potential, our Gifts.

But I get ahead of myself...

Occasionally the mysterious and  misunderstood would shine forth and remind everyone that some thing's are unavoidable. The winter of his fifth year was just such an occasion.

Holiday festivities were in full swing and the boy found the world around him getting brighter and more fascinating with every breath. On one particular cold night he awoke to the sound of his Hero Father crying aloud with shame and despair. As he listened from the next room he drifted, trapped somewhere between one instant and the next. It was then that his vision changed and he saw what had been.