Poetry as a Healing balm

Torquato Tasso (11 March 1544 – 25 April 1595)
Stories From The Italian Poets
Leigh Hunt
Torquato Tasso monument in Sorrento, Italy

Queste selve oggi raggionar d' Amore
S' undranno in nuova guisa ; e ben parassi,
Che la mia Dieta sia qui presente
In se medesma, e non ne' suio ministri.
Spirero nobil sensi a rozzi petti ;
Raddolciro nelle lor lingue il suono :
Perche, ovunque i' mi sia, io sono Amore
Ne' pastori non men che negli eroi ;
E la disagguaglianza de' soggetti,
Come a me piace, agguaglio : e questa e pure
Suprema gloria, e gran miracol mio,
Render simili alle piu dotti cetre
Le rustiche sampogne."

After new fashion shall these woods to-day
Hear my love discoursed ; and it shall well be seen
That my divinity is present here
In its own person, not its ministers.
I will inbreathe my fancies in rude hearts ;
I will refine and render dulcet sweet
Their tongues ; because, wherever I may be
Whether rustic or heroic men,
There am I Love ; and inequality,
As it may please me, do I equalize ;
And 'tis my crowning glory and great miracle
To make the rural pipe as eloquent
Even as the sublest harp.


"Table ready for Aliwishis, party of one... "

The Winds of Change are here...

A short treatise on Deities

~Insanity, craziness, or madness is a spectrum of behaviors 
characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns.~

From Wikipedia - 

"Insanity, craziness, or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. Insanity may manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person becoming a danger to themselves or others, though not all such acts are considered insanity; likewise, not all acts showing indifference toward societal norms are acts of insanity. In modern usage, insanity is most commonly encountered as an informal unscientific term denoting mental instability, or in the narrow legal context of the insanity defense."

   The Earth of the 21st Century finds everything in flux. Shapes of past events and future endeavors influence humanity everyday. The species known as Homo Sapiens Sapiens lays claim to the top of the food chain, in no danger of forced extinction by others hands...except their own. Does this classify as Insanity? When a species knows the difference between morals, can tell the difference between harmful behavior and helpful behavior but chooses to act in personal self interest, does this make that collective species Insane? Or just the individual?

   How much does the unseen, but felt, Pantheon of Deities influence Humanity? Many ancient people believed that the past effects the present which effects the future which effects the past...A Cycle of Events that never stops. But do the Deities really care? Do these Deities even really exist? If a 21st Century Human walks around all day telling everyone about these Deities is he Insane? If they're real to that Human then Insanity should not be an option for judgment.

   Maybe I'm Insane. I choose to believe I'm not. 

   The Gifts I've been given and the Story I've already lived tells me the Truth. My Reality may not be similar to yours but it's MY Reality. I've seen, felt, heard and tasted too much to dismiss the influence of The Pantheon. The Deities are here. It's up to Humans to find the ones that work on a individual and collective basis for the benefit of All. 

Voyager 1 (197709051256 - 201712021044...)

Local Interstellar Cloud, Local Bubble
Orion-Cygnus Arm, Milky Way, Sol System, Earth

If you tried to start a car that's been sitting for decades, you may not expect it to work. But a set of thrusters aboard the @NASAVoyager 1 spacecraft, which is now in interstellar space, successfully fired up Wednesday after 37 years without use!

Voyager 1 (197709051256 - 201712021044...)


L to R: Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Even as we struggle on our "blue dot" and do our best to retard our Evolution as a species, our stamp of existence travels outward into uncharted space. Our story continues...

We are still listening...