A True Story {Part I}

The morning he was Reborn, it was snowing. Skies and mother both heavy and burdened, he came into this existence with little fanfare. Only the Essence took notice as the balance shifted. Moreover, it shifted in ways not seen or felt for untold millennia.

So what happened? How did so many things go wrong?
Father was a veteran of military campaigns who wore his bloody guilt as a reason to embrace insanity. Sometimes he would cry out in the night and beg forgiveness. Other times he put on his Hero face as he preened with pride and pretended that everything was perfect.

Mother was a product of hereditary madness that polluted her bloodline. She would glow and shine with goodness and light until no one was looking. Then the darkness would spring forth and claw it's way out.

Sister was just old enough to understand that “Baby Brother Boy” was more then he seemed to be. Sometimes he would catch her watching him with cold calculation in her eyes. It was as if everything she had lost to her previous incarnation would shine out for just a moment. At those instants, he found fear of what was in dark the least of his worries.

How does an innocent child know what worries are?

Sometimes Gods choose to Enlighten even when the vessel is not ready or prepared for the chaos that Reason imparts.

Such was the energy and environment this young vessel found himself surrounded by.