“God?” WHAT? “jeez, no reason to be so touchy” …

As a Henotheist it’s difficult for me at times to separate the metaphysical from the idea of gods and deities that make their presence felt through human and environmental agents. Metaphysics seeks to answer the two big questions that both find a creator or god at their core.

Ultimately, what is there?
What is it like?

If I had never felt the influence of a power greater than I could comprehend, seen that power work through other people and watched as that power was subverted by another I might feel different. How can I answer the ultimate questions without tackling my own issue of who I am, where I came from and where I’m going?

Of course, it’s also very easy to distance myself from the idea of a greater influence and look at it as a man of science and philosophy. I believe that asking the big questions, exploring ideas of what we are and why we exist in a deep and searching way are keys to our evolutionary progress.

But looking deeper still, I’m left with the questions of what gave birth to human existence and for what end.

“There is a time coming when the Pantheon will once again be visible for all to see. Great tides of opposition will be met with greater ranks of the faithful, resolute and true.” ~TLS

Words spring from my imagination and tumble from my mind to my mouth. Is this GOD or just my own chemical brain giving me delusions? The only one who really knows is Ganesha and he’s still grinning and winking as he nods to the hidden corners where words spill forth with secrets waiting to be deciphered.

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