Immoral Crusading

The Crusades were a series of military campaigns from 1096 to 1487. That's 391 years of bloodshed, turmoil, hate and suffering. And then Civility broke out. Faith was respected (kind of) for 512 years. A fragile existence flexed it's beliefs and, with occasional growing pains, little long term conflict and damage was inflicted.(open to debate)

In 1999 all of that changed.

Extremism lifted it's hungry head and snarled with belligerence at the weak and the vulnerable. The world could have and should have acted then to keep the inbred ideas from spreading like an ancient disabling disease.

The number of those killed by Daesh is upwards of 50,000+ people. That's a conservative and entirely speculative number. Since this is Jihadi, numbers aren't important to the side committing the atrocities.

Yes, I said atrocities.

Death is death and combat for survival is protecting the species. This is not combat for survival. This is annihilation for no reason other than "god".

It really is silly, isn't it. It's feels like a bad pitch for a new serial television show. So there's this guy named Abraham from Mesopotamia and occasionally this voice talks to him. He shares with anyone who will listen what this voice says. So over time he has children who have children and they all decide to interpret Dad's "stories" differently. And hilarity results...

If it was only that simple.

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